Core Learning Services is a global educational community that helps at risk-youth develop the superpower of balance so they can create great lives—and that brings back to teachers the joy, inspiration, and ease they need to support the growth of these future leaders of our world .
a Core Community Event!
Slow Down, FAST!
Learn how to stop anxiety & stress dead in their tracks by transforming the Fight-Flight-Freeze-Fawn response into the CORE Response. Get unstuck. Claim your power to be more productive.
“You can teach the basics of The Balancing Act to children in 10 minutes…and from there, they can change their lives for good.”
— Auke van Keulen, Trainer of Teachers
Make a donation.
Join us in bringing The Balancing Act programs to youth around the world. Your donation will help us train teachers to teach our programs to students and create positive ripple effects in their lives, families and communities.